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30 November 2010

Modified Assembly Schedule for Winter Sports Kickoff Assembly - 12/1

6:40 – 7:30 am Zero Hour

7:35 – 8:20 am 1st Period

8:25 – 9:10 am 2nd Period

9:15 – 10:00 am 3rd Period

10:05 – 10:40 am Assembly

10:45 – 11:30 am 4th Period

11:35 – 12:25 pm 5a/1st Lunch

12:30 – 1:20 pm 5b/2nd Lunch

1:25 – 2:10 pm 6th Period

2:15 – 3:00 pm 7th Period

29 November 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/29 - 12/3

Monday: 11/29 - Welcome Back!
I will pass back your Writer's Notebook Entries. We will discuss the basic structure of a body paragraph in a literary analysis. You will select one body paragraph from your Gatsby essay to revisit. We'll focus on main idea, topic and transition sentences, and following CSE. A brief discussion about the differences between editing and revision. **ALSO: A note about TRACK CHANGES revision requirements.**
  • Study the list of commonly confused words.
  • Revise the electronic version of your paper with track changes on. Be sure to save the original version and the revised version as separate files. Focus on body paragraphs in your revision.

Tuesday: 11/30
You will begin class by completing a brief vocabulary quiz to check for your understanding of the list of commonly confused words. Then, you will write an organized, multi-paragraph in class essay using your knowledge of chapters 10-13 of Their Eyes Were Watching God. You may use your copy of the text and any notes that you have with you today. You are to choose from one of the following essay prompts:
  • Discuss the role of doubt in the reading selection. (Self doubt, doubt of others, etc.) Be sure to make an argument that characterizes the role of doubt in the text, and support the argument with analysis of specific quotations.
  • Compare and contrast the development of Janie's relationship with Tea Cake with one of her former husbands (Logan Killicks or Jody Starks). Be sure to make an argument, and support the argument with analysis of specific examples from the text.
  • Analyze the role of imagery in the text. How does Hurston's use of imagery contribute to the characterization of Janie? Be sure to make an argument about the effect of imagery within the text, and support the argument with analysis of specific quotations.
Your essay will be assessed on Ideas and Content, Organization, and CSE. HINT: Pay close attention to the development of Claim, Supporting Evidence, and Explanation within each of your body paragraphs. The essay is due at the end of the class period. Good luck!
HW: Study the list of commonly confused words.

Wednesday: 12/1 - Happy Birthday, Shea and Lincoln! Winter Sports Kickoff Assembly
We will continue our group editing/revision of your Gatsby papers. We'll focus on some technical issues, including the use of quotation marks, brackets, pronouns, and talking about quotations. We'll continue to develop and enhance the approach to CSE within your body paragraphs. You will work together to identify areas for improvement within your papers, and you will make those improvements in class.
  • Study the list of commonly confused words.
  • Revise the electronic version of your paper with track changes on. Be sure to save the original version and the revised version as separate files. Focus on body paragraphs in your revision.

Thursday: 12/2
You will begin class by taking a reading quiz over chapters 14-17 of Their Eyes Were Watching God. We will discuss the reading selection, including the development of Janie's character as a result of her life in the Everglades. We will focus on the interaction of the natural world, social issues, and social life in this locality. You will work with a partner to identify and record examples of effective imagery within the reading selection.
HW: Study the list of commonly confused words.

Friday: 12/3
You will begin by completing a brief vocabulary quiz to check for growing understanding of the list of commonly confused words. We will continue working on the revision and editing of your Gatsby essays. This time we will focus on introductions and conclusions. We will identify some of the key elements of these parts of your papers, and I will provide you with information about some of the most commonly occurring issues in these areas. You will work together to plan meaningful changes to both the introduction and conclusion paragraphs of your essays.
  • Study the list of commonly confused words.
  • Revise the electronic version of your paper with track changes on. Be sure to save the original version and the revised version as separate files. Focus on introduction and conclusion paragraphs in your revision. **SUBMIT the revised version to, and hand in a paper copy attached to the top of your original draft. DUE Monday.
Handout: Semester One Final Exam Study Checklist

14 November 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/15 - 11/19

Congratulations Ladies Volleyball State Champs!

Monday: 11/15
IC: You will take the 2.5 Vocabulary Test, and then complete Writer's Notebook Entry #12.
HW: Completed, organized Writer's Notebook Entries #1-12 due Wednesday 11/17. Remember that the entries must be labeled correctly, show evidence of thoughtfulness and effort, and be on topic to receive full credit.

Tuesday: 11/16
IC: You will begin class by taking a reading quiz over chapters five and six of Their Eyes Were Watching God. We will discuss the reading selection and begin some notes on characterization and symbolism within the text. We will review some of the central elements of feminist criticism and discuss how a feminist critic might approach this text.
HW: Completed, organized Writer's Notebook Entries #1-12 due Wednesday 11/17. Remember that the entries must be labeled correctly, show evidence of thoughtfulness and effort, and be on topic to receive full credit.

Wednesday: 11/17
IC: You will turn in your completed compiled Writer's Notebook Entries. I will distribute your end of semester vocabulary/spelling list. You will work with a partner to complete the list, and then we will go over the list as a class.
Handout: Commonly Confused Words

Thursday: 11/18 **Reading Quiz postponed until tomorrow!
IC: You will read a short story in class and answer questions about it.

Friday: 11/19 - Last day of school before break!
IC: You will begin class by taking a reading quiz over chapters seven, eight, and nine of Their Eyes Were Watching God. We will discuss the reading selection and continue to apply a feminist reading to our analysis of the relationships between the characters in the text. Finally, we will go over the list of commonly confused words for end of semester vocabulary.

08 November 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/8 - 11/12

Monday: 11/8
IC: You will take the 2.4 Vocabulary Test. Then, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #11. We will end class by identifying some specific examples of dialect within the text of Their Eyes Were Watching God. We'll work together to identify the meanings of the words and phrases we identify.

Tuesday: 11/9
IC: You will begin class by taking a reading quiz over chapter one of Their Eyes Were Watching God. We will discuss the reading selection in detail. I will introduce 2.5 Vocabulary Words and conduct a vocabulary review.
HW: Study 2.5 Vocabulary, test Monday - 11/15

Wednesday: 11/10
IC: I will introduce the concept of pronoun-antecedent agreement, and you will take a few notes on the topic. Then, you will work with a partner to identify and fix errors in agreements. Finally, we will work together to complete a poetic analysis of "Desert Places" by Robert Frost. If we have time, we'll also read "Dust of Snow" just for fun.
HW: Study 2.5 Vocabulary, test Monday - 11/15

Thursday: 11/11
IC: You will take a reading quiz over chapters two through four of Their Eyes Were Watching God. We will discuss the reading selection, focusing on characterization and symbolism.
HW: Study 2.5 Vocabulary, test Monday - 11/15

Friday: 11/12
IC: You will complete an in depth vocabulary review to help prepare you for your vocabulary test on Monday.
HW: Study 2.5 Vocabulary, test Monday - 11/15

04 November 2010

Their Eyes Were Watching God Reading Schedule

Their Eyes Were Watching God
by Zora Neale Hurston

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a brief reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.

Tuesday 11/9 - Ch. 1
Thursday 11/11 - Ch. 2-4
Tuesday 11/16 - Ch. 5-6
Thursday 11/18 - Ch. 7-9
Tuesday 11/30 - Ch. 10-13
Thursday 12/2 - Ch. 14-17
Tuesday 12/7 - Ch. 18
Thursday 12/9 - Ch. 19-20

Special Championship Assembly Schedule for 11/5

Special Championship Assembly Schedule
to celebrate Boys State Cross Country Champions!

6:40 - 7:30 am - Zero Hour
7:35 - 8:20 am - 1st Period
8:25 - 9:10 am - 2nd Period
9:15 - 10:00 am - 3rd Period
10:02 - 10:40 am - Assembly
10:45 - 11:30 am - 4th Period
11:35 - 12:25 pm - 5a/1st Lunch
12:30 - 1:20 pm - 5b/2nd Lunch
1:25 - 2:10 pm - 6th Period
2:15 - 3:00 pm - 7th Period