Wednesday: 1/5
IC: We will begin class with new seating chart assignments. Then, I will distribute two books to each of you: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and Vocabulary From Classical Roots, your vocabulary text for second semester. As I distribute the texts, you will be responsible for writing a response to the author's notice at the beginning of Huck Finn. Write a brief explanation of what you think the author might mean by this statement. What reasons can you think of for why Mark Twain would place this notice at the beginning of his book? Save this response in your notes for future reference - we'll be coming back to it for discussion. After I have distributed copies of each book, we'll take a look at the reading schedule for Huck Finn. Finally, we'll go over Lesson One in your vocabulary text.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.
Handouts: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and Vocabulary From Classical Roots
Thursday: 1/6
IC: We will begin viewing and discussing the documentary, Culture Shock: Born to Trouble - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
Friday: 1/7
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing the documentary, Culture Shock: Born to Trouble - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.
Thursday: 1/6
IC: We will begin viewing and discussing the documentary, Culture Shock: Born to Trouble - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
- Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.
- Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #1.
Friday: 1/7
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing the documentary, Culture Shock: Born to Trouble - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.