IC: We will finish reading and discussing The Crucible. We will discuss the events of the play and the motivations of the characters.
Materials: Bring your complete, correctly labeled Writer's Notebook Entries to turn in (if you haven't already done so) and class notes.
- Your typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.
- Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
Tuesday: 4/19 - Happy birthday, Brian!
IC: We'll begin with Writer's Workshop on your second body paragraph. Then you'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Twelve Vocabulary Review Exercise.
Materials: Bring your completed, typed second body paragraph for Writer's Workshop, class notes, and vocabulary book.
- Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
- Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
Wednesday: 4/20 - Happy birthday, Chris!
IC: You will complete the Lessons Eleven and Twelve Vocabulary Test. Then we'll go over expectations for an MLA formatted Works Cited page. Be sure to come prepared to take good notes, because you will be required to have a perfectly formatted Works Cited page as part of your Junior Paper.
Materials: Bring any completed extra credit vocabulary work and class notes.
- Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
- Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
IC: We will go over an introduction to Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen vocabulary (test on Wednesday, 5/4). Then we'll begin viewing the film The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book and class notes.
- Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
- Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
IC: You will workshop your third body paragraph, and then we'll continue viewing the film.
Materials: Bring your typed, completed third body paragraph and class notes.
- Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
- Your completed Junior Paper is due on Thursday, 4/28. **Remember that you must submit a paper copy in class, and an electronic copy to turnitin.com.**