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01 May 2011

Weekly Schedule 5/2 - 5/6

Monday: 5/2 - Happy birthday, Jake!
We will discuss the first three chapters of Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried. I will distribute a discussion guide on which you will be responsible for recording key concepts and elements of the reading selection. We'll focus on four big ideas in relation to the reading: 1. What purpose do stories serve? 2. How does O'Brien introduce and develop key characters? (i.e. What does each character carry, and how is that information revealing?) 3. What are the characteristics of O'Brien's writing? 4. What is the difference between memoir and autobiography? If we have any additional time, we'll begin looking at a PowerPoint presentation that provides historical background on the Vietnam War era.

Tuesday: 5/3
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Fourteen Vocabulary Review. We'll review your current vocabulary roots together. Then we'll talk more about the history of the Vietnam War.

Wednesday: 5/4
You will complete the Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen Vocabulary Test. Then you'll engage in a minilesson about O'Brien's use of leads in The Things They Carried. Remember: You'll be using O'Brien's work as mentor text for your final writing piece this year, so don't forget to pay close attention to effective elements of his style so that you can play with his techniques in your own writing.

Thursday: 5/5
You will complete a brief reading quiz, and then we'll discuss the second reading selection of The Things They Carried. I will introduce your final vocabulary lists for the year. We'll go over Lessons Fifteen and Sixteen Vocabulary (test on Friday, 5/13). Then we'll begin viewing some iconic new footage of the Vietnam War.

Friday: 5/6 - Happy birthday, Kinsey!
I will show some iconic news footage of the Vietnam War. We'll discuss the footage.