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31 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 11/1 - 11/5

Sunday: 10/31 - Halloween - Happy Birthday, Arianna!

Monday: 11/1
I will collect and check in copies of The Great Gatsby as you take the 2.3 Vocabulary Test. Then you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #9. We will discuss the purpose of a Writer's Memo. You will compose a Writer's Memo for your paper, and turn it in with your literary analyses over The Great Gatsby.
HW: Sentences for each of the ten comma rules are due Wednesday - 11/3
Handout: Writer's Memo Guidelines (To be distributed in class)

Tuesday: 11/2
IC: We will begin with an introduction to 2.4 Vocabulary, and a vocabulary review. We will go over your responses to the Appositive Phrases: Practice Two. I will assign Appositive Phrases: Practice Three. We will complete the first section of Practice Three together, and then you will continue on your own.
  • Sentences for each of the ten comma rules are due Wednesday - 11/3
  • Appositive Phrases: Practice Three due Thursday - 11/4
  • Study Vocabulary 2.4, test Monday - 11/8

Wednesday: 11/3
IC: Those of you who have Comma Rule Sentences to turn in will do so. I will introduce the Harlem Renaissance, and distribute some key examples of poetry from the Harlem Renaissance. We will review the steps for poetic analysis together, and then you will read and analyze three poems by Langston Hughes for class tomorrow. **While you will read and go through the steps for poetic analysis with each of the three poems, you only need to craft a written response for one of the poems. Write a well thought out response for the poem of your choice.** After our introductory discussion of the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance, you will begin viewing a documentary called Zora's Roots: The Life of Zora Neale Hurston.
  • Appositive Phrases: Practice Three due Thursday - 11/4
  • Study Vocabulary 2.4, test Monday - 11/8
  • Read and Analyze "Negro," "Cross," and "Theme for English B" for class tomorrow

Thursday: 11/4
IC: You will hand in completed Appositive Phrases: Practice Three. We will begin class with a vocabulary review. Then, we will finish viewing and discussing the documentary. Finally, we will discuss the Langston Hughes poems, and identify literary elements of each poem. I will assign the last four poems in the Poetry of the Harlem Renaissance packet for you to read and analyze for class tomorrow. **Again, you will be expected to analytically read each of the poems, but you are only responsible for crafting a written response to one poem of your choice.
  • Study Vocabulary 2.4, test Monday - 11/8
  • Read and Analyze "The Tropics in New York," "When Dawn Comes to the City," "Old Black Men," and "The Color Sergeant" for class tomorrow

Friday: 11/5
IC: We will continue our discussion of the poetry of the Harlem Renaissance, identifying key themes of the movement. You will hand in your poetic analyses. I will distribute copies of Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston, and we will discuss some thematic and symbolic elements for you to pay attention to in the text. (It's a good idea to get these down in your notes for future reference.)

  • Study Vocabulary 2.4, test Monday - 11/8
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #10
Handout: Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

28 October 2010

Sample Works Cited Page for The Great Gatsby Essay. Be sure to include only the texts you actually cite in your paper. =)

26 October 2010

Annotation Reminders

Remember to follow these steps for meaningful annotations:

--Read with a pen or a pencil
--As you read, underline key sentences - for example, definitions and statements of purpose
--Underline key words that appear often.
--Circle unfamiliar words and define them in the margins (consider also unfamiliar or alternate connotations and denotations)
--Note the topic of paragraphs in the margins (make a statement that encompasses the idea)
--Ask questions in the margins
--Make notes in the margins to remind yourself to develop ideas later
--Mark passages you might want to quote later
--Keep track of points with which you disagree

24 October 2010

Weekly Schedule - 10/25 - 10/29

Monday: 10/25 - Happy Birthday, Julia!
You will begin class by handing in the completed Practice 2 from your Appositive Phrases packet. Then, you will take the 2.2 Vocabulary Test. Next, we will review the ten most commonly used commas rules, and I will distribute Comma Quiz #2. I will assign specific sections of "The Communist Manifesto" for you to read and annotate by Wednesday 10/27. We will discuss the steps involved in meaningful annotation.
  • Complete Comma Quiz #2
  • Read and annotate assigned selection of "The Communist Manifesto"
  • The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
Handout: Comma Quiz #2 (To be distributed in class.)

Tuesday: 10/26
IC: You will hand in your completed Comma Quiz. We will begin class by going over 2.3 Vocabulary. Then, I will present the central tenets of Marxism and Marxist Literary Criticism with class discussion and Q&A.

  • Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
  • Read and annotate assigned selection of "The Communist Manifesto"
  • The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
Handout: PowerPoint Presentation on Marxist Literary Theory (To be discussed in class.)

Wednesday: 10/27
IC: I will distribute graded comma quizzes, and assign your final comma practice assignment. **Note: If you scored 85% or higher on Comma Quiz #2, you are excused from the final comma practice assignment.** We will continue our discussion of Marxist Literary Theory, and you will work in groups to apply Marxist criticism to The Great Gatsby as I assess your annotations of "The Communist Manifesto." We will revisit your character notes from The Great Gatsby.
  • Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
  • The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
  • Comma Sentence Examples for each of the 10 Comma Rules - due Wednesday 11/3

Thursday: 10/28 - Happy Birthday, Rachel and Ashleigh!
IC: We will begin class with a vocabulary review. Then, we will discuss the elements of structure and formatting that you must consider as you write your papers. We will have a brief review of MLA formatting, and then you will spend the rest of class working on your papers. Be sure to bring the materials that you need to make this meaningful work time for you.
  • Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
  • The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
  • Comma Sentence Examples for each of the 10 Comma Rules - due Wednesday 11/3

Friday: 10/29 - Happy Birthday, Jon! -
Halloween Dress Up Day (Remember that all costumes must be dress code appropriate. No masks, full face paint, or weapons.)
IC: I will attend a district training today, so you'll be in the hands of one of my favorite substitutes, Ms. Wright. You will use this time to complete a review exercise that requires you to identify what you see as the six most important scenes in the text of The Great Gatsby in relation to the thesis you're arguing in your paper. Be sure to come with a copy of the text, and the willingness to get artistic!
  • Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
  • The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
  • Comma Sentence Examples for each of the 10 Comma Rules - due Wednesday 11/3
Sunday: 10/31 - Happy Birthday, Arianna!

17 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/18 - 10/22

Monday: 10/18
IC: You will begin class by taking the 2.1 Vocabulary Test, and then completing Writer's Notebook Entry #8. We will go over the Practice 1 sentences from the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet. I will assign Practice 2. Then, as a class, we will identify and discuss elements of the rhetorical situation, rhetorical strategies, and author's purpose of the two essays, "I Want a Wife" by Judy Brady, and "Lost in the Kitchen" by Dave Barry.
  • Read Germaine Greer's "Masculinity" by Wednesday 10/20 - Identify a main argument and record two supporting points from the text of the essay.
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Tuesday: 10/19
IC: You will begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapter seven of The Great Gatsby. Then, you will participate in an activity that involves generating notes that record specific examples of characterization of the major characters from the text (these notes will be useful in the construction of your Gatsby paper). We will end class by focusing on the introduction of 2.2 Vocabulary words and a brief review of unit two roots and prefixes.
  • Read Germaine Greer's "Masculinity" by Wednesday 10/20 - Identify a main argument and record two supporting points from the essay.
  • Study 2.2 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Handout: 2.2 Vocabulary List (to be distributed in class)

Wednesday: 10/20 - PLAN Test Schedule
IC: You will share and discuss your responses and ideas about Germaine Greer's essay. We will discuss gender-based stereotypes, and work as a class to develop a list of positive and negative gender-based stereotypes. We will end class with a brief vocabulary review.
  • Study 2.2 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Thursday: 10/21
IC: You will begin by taking a reading quiz over chapters eight and nine of The Great Gatsby. You will then be presented with the central tenets of feminist literary criticism, and take notes to support the development of ideas within your paper. These notes will serve as your reference for the application of a feminist reading to a text.
  • Study 2.2 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25
  • The Great Gatsby paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Friday: 10/22 - No School, Teacher Work Day
Happy Birthday, Hannah!

10 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/11 - 10/15

Monday: 10/11
You will hand in completed vocabulary review crosswords, unless you turned them in on Friday. You will complete the Unit One Vocabulary Test. With remaining time, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #7 and work on assigned reading.

Tuesday: 10/12 - Hits Night.
IC: You will begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapters three and four of The Great Gatsby. We will work through an introduction to 2.1 Vocabulary (Roots and Prefixes). I will distribute and go over your next paper assignment. I will also distribute a packet of selected readings in Marxist and feminist literary theories. We will go over dates for completing each selection of reading.
HW: Read assigned selection from the literary theory packet.
  • Packet of selected readings in Marxism and feminism. (To be distributed in class.)
  • Paper Assignment Handout (To be distributed in class.)
  • Vocabulary 2.1 List (To be distributed in class.)

Wednesday: 10/13 - Hits Night - PSAT Schedule
IC: We will discuss the ten most commonly used comma rules. You will complete a sentence composing activity that deals with appositive phrases.

  • Complete the Comma Quiz using your notes.
  • Read assigned selection from the literary theory packet.
  • Study 2.1 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
Handout: Commas. (Print and bring to class.)

Thursday: 10/14
3rd Period:
You will hand in the completed Comma Quiz. You will begin by taking a reading quiz over chapters five and six of The Great Gatsby. We will discuss the developing symbolism within the text, and focus on the characterization of the females within the novel. We will discuss your reading and annotations of "I am a Feminist" by Leonard Pitts. We will end class with a brief vocabulary review.
  • Read assigned selection from the literary theory packet.
  • Study 2.1 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
4th and 5th Period:
IC: You will begin by taking the reading quiz over chapters five and six of The Great Gatsby. We will discuss the ten most commonly used comma rules. You will complete a sentence composing activity that deals with appositive phrases.

  • Complete the Comma Quiz using your notes.
  • Read assigned selection from the literary theory packet.
  • Study 2.1 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
Handout: Commas. (Print and bring to class.)

Friday: 10/15
3rd Period:
IC: We will attend the CMHS College Fair.
  • Read assigned selection from the literary theory packet.
  • Study 2.1 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.
4th and 5th Period:
We will discuss the developing symbolism within The Great Gatsby, and focus on the characterization of the females within the novel. We will discuss your reading and annotations of "I am a Feminist" by Leonard Pitts. We will end class with a brief vocabulary review.
  • Read assigned selection from the literary theory packet.
  • Study 2.1 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/18.

04 October 2010

The Great Gatsby Reading Schedule

The Great Gatsby
by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a brief reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.

Thursday 10/7 - Ch. 1-2
Tuesday 10/12 - Ch. 3-4
Thursday 10/14 - Ch. 5-6
Tuesday 10/19 - Ch. 7
Thursday 10/21 - Ch. 8-9

03 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/4 - 10/8

Monday: 10/4
You will begin class by handing in any vocabulary make-up work and taking the Lesson 1.4 Vocabulary Test. I will distribute graded papers as you complete the test. When you have finished taking the 1.4 Test, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #6. Depending on the amount of time we have left in class, you will use your notes from Ordinary People to discuss your application of Psychoanalytic Criticism with a partner. I will distribute copies of The Great Gatsby and go over the reading schedule for our study of this classic text.
HW: Double check to make sure that all of your Writer's Notebook Entries are in order.
Handout: Books will be distributed in class today.

Tuesday: 10/5
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing the film Ordinary People. You will hand in your notes over the film - you may take them home tonight to finish them up and hand in tomorrow if you prefer. You will complete an introduction to the 1.5 vocabulary words.
HW: Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
1.5 Vocabulary List (To be distributed in class.)

Wednesday: 10/6
IC: I will distribute your graded vocabulary tests and give you time to record any missed words for make up work. Remember to consult the handout for earning back points on missed vocabulary. We will also go over the 1.5 Vocabulary List. You will participate in an activity and discussion that will serve as an introduction to the study of literary theory. You will be able to answer the following essential questions:
  • What is literary theory?
  • Why do people study literary theory?
I will provide you with a brief introduction to the social and historical context of Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.
HW: Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
Handout: Literary Theory Handout (To be distributed in class.)

Thursday: 10/7
IC: You will take a reading quiz over chapters one and two of The Great Gatsby. We will discuss elements of characterization and thematic development in the beginning of the text. You will take some notes about the historical and social context of the novel.
HW: Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.

Friday: 10/8
IC: We will begin by using the elements of poetic analysis to perform a close reading of Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay." You will then work with a partner to complete an in depth vocabulary review for all of Unit One vocabulary. Depending on the amount of time we have left, we will talk about analogies as a useful tool for thinking and writing about abstractions, as well as a skill that you will be required to use on college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.
  • Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
Handout: Unit One Vocabulary Review Crossword (To be distributed in class.)