IC: You will begin class by handing in the completed Practice 2 from your Appositive Phrases packet. Then, you will take the 2.2 Vocabulary Test. Next, we will review the ten most commonly used commas rules, and I will distribute Comma Quiz #2. I will assign specific sections of "The Communist Manifesto" for you to read and annotate by Wednesday 10/27. We will discuss the steps involved in meaningful annotation.
- Complete Comma Quiz #2
- Read and annotate assigned selection of "The Communist Manifesto"
- The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Turnitin.com. Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to Turnitin.com.
Tuesday: 10/26
IC: You will hand in your completed Comma Quiz. We will begin class by going over 2.3 Vocabulary. Then, I will present the central tenets of Marxism and Marxist Literary Criticism with class discussion and Q&A.
- Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
- Read and annotate assigned selection of "The Communist Manifesto"
- The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Turnitin.com. Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to Turnitin.com.
Wednesday: 10/27
IC: I will distribute graded comma quizzes, and assign your final comma practice assignment. **Note: If you scored 85% or higher on Comma Quiz #2, you are excused from the final comma practice assignment.** We will continue our discussion of Marxist Literary Theory, and you will work in groups to apply Marxist criticism to The Great Gatsby as I assess your annotations of "The Communist Manifesto." We will revisit your character notes from The Great Gatsby.
- Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
- The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Turnitin.com. Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to Turnitin.com.
- Comma Sentence Examples for each of the 10 Comma Rules - due Wednesday 11/3
Thursday: 10/28 - Happy Birthday, Rachel and Ashleigh!
IC: We will begin class with a vocabulary review. Then, we will discuss the elements of structure and formatting that you must consider as you write your papers. We will have a brief review of MLA formatting, and then you will spend the rest of class working on your papers. Be sure to bring the materials that you need to make this meaningful work time for you.
- Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
- The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Turnitin.com. Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to Turnitin.com.
- Comma Sentence Examples for each of the 10 Comma Rules - due Wednesday 11/3
Friday: 10/29 - Happy Birthday, Jon! - Halloween Dress Up Day (Remember that all costumes must be dress code appropriate. No masks, full face paint, or weapons.)
IC: I will attend a district training today, so you'll be in the hands of one of my favorite substitutes, Ms. Wright. You will use this time to complete a review exercise that requires you to identify what you see as the six most important scenes in the text of The Great Gatsby in relation to the thesis you're arguing in your paper. Be sure to come with a copy of the text, and the willingness to get artistic!
- Study 2.3 Vocabulary - Test Monday 11/1
- The Great Gatsby Paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Turnitin.com. Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to Turnitin.com.
- Comma Sentence Examples for each of the 10 Comma Rules - due Wednesday 11/3