IC: You will begin class by handing in any vocabulary make-up work and taking the Lesson 1.4 Vocabulary Test. I will distribute graded papers as you complete the test. When you have finished taking the 1.4 Test, you will complete Writer's Notebook Entry #6. Depending on the amount of time we have left in class, you will use your notes from Ordinary People to discuss your application of Psychoanalytic Criticism with a partner. I will distribute copies of The Great Gatsby and go over the reading schedule for our study of this classic text.
HW: Double check to make sure that all of your Writer's Notebook Entries are in order.
Handout: Books will be distributed in class today.
Tuesday: 10/5
IC: We will finish viewing and discussing the film Ordinary People. You will hand in your notes over the film - you may take them home tonight to finish them up and hand in tomorrow if you prefer. You will complete an introduction to the 1.5 vocabulary words.
HW: Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
Handout: 1.5 Vocabulary List (To be distributed in class.)
Wednesday: 10/6
IC: I will distribute your graded vocabulary tests and give you time to record any missed words for make up work. Remember to consult the handout for earning back points on missed vocabulary. We will also go over the 1.5 Vocabulary List. You will participate in an activity and discussion that will serve as an introduction to the study of literary theory. You will be able to answer the following essential questions:
- What is literary theory?
- Why do people study literary theory?
HW: Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
Handout: Literary Theory Handout (To be distributed in class.)
Thursday: 10/7
IC: You will take a reading quiz over chapters one and two of The Great Gatsby. We will discuss elements of characterization and thematic development in the beginning of the text. You will take some notes about the historical and social context of the novel.
HW: Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.
Friday: 10/8
IC: We will begin by using the elements of poetic analysis to perform a close reading of Robert Frost's "Nothing Gold Can Stay." You will then work with a partner to complete an in depth vocabulary review for all of Unit One vocabulary. Depending on the amount of time we have left, we will talk about analogies as a useful tool for thinking and writing about abstractions, as well as a skill that you will be required to use on college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT.
- Study 1.5 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/11.