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17 October 2010

Weekly Schedule 10/18 - 10/22

Monday: 10/18
IC: You will begin class by taking the 2.1 Vocabulary Test, and then completing Writer's Notebook Entry #8. We will go over the Practice 1 sentences from the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet. I will assign Practice 2. Then, as a class, we will identify and discuss elements of the rhetorical situation, rhetorical strategies, and author's purpose of the two essays, "I Want a Wife" by Judy Brady, and "Lost in the Kitchen" by Dave Barry.
  • Read Germaine Greer's "Masculinity" by Wednesday 10/20 - Identify a main argument and record two supporting points from the text of the essay.
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Tuesday: 10/19
IC: You will begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapter seven of The Great Gatsby. Then, you will participate in an activity that involves generating notes that record specific examples of characterization of the major characters from the text (these notes will be useful in the construction of your Gatsby paper). We will end class by focusing on the introduction of 2.2 Vocabulary words and a brief review of unit two roots and prefixes.
  • Read Germaine Greer's "Masculinity" by Wednesday 10/20 - Identify a main argument and record two supporting points from the essay.
  • Study 2.2 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Handout: 2.2 Vocabulary List (to be distributed in class)

Wednesday: 10/20 - PLAN Test Schedule
IC: You will share and discuss your responses and ideas about Germaine Greer's essay. We will discuss gender-based stereotypes, and work as a class to develop a list of positive and negative gender-based stereotypes. We will end class with a brief vocabulary review.
  • Study 2.2 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Thursday: 10/21
IC: You will begin by taking a reading quiz over chapters eight and nine of The Great Gatsby. You will then be presented with the central tenets of feminist literary criticism, and take notes to support the development of ideas within your paper. These notes will serve as your reference for the application of a feminist reading to a text.
  • Study 2.2 Vocabulary - test Monday 10/25
  • The Great Gatsby paper due Monday 11/1, with completed self-assessment on rubric. Remember that you must turn in a paper copy in class as well as submit an electronic version to Read the Instructions for Submitting a Paper to
  • Complete Practice 2 in the Appositive Phrases Sentence-Composing packet by Monday 10/25.
Friday: 10/22 - No School, Teacher Work Day
Happy Birthday, Hannah!