IC: Hand in Rhetorical Analysis Revisions. MLA and Turnitin.com tutorials in the Integration Lab. We'll end with a reading quiz over chapters 18-21 of The Catcher in the Rye.
- Study vocabulary - test 9/23.
- Check out the Diana Hacker Writer's Reference Website - You are expected to use this as a reference in formatting your papers this year.
- Access and read the How to Submit a Paper Information Sheet on Turnitin.com.
Tuesday: 9/21
IC: In class introduction to the central tenets of psychoanalytic criticism. You will complete guided notes in class as we discuss the rudiments of psychoanalytic theory and how it translates to psychoanalytic literary criticism. We will work as a class to make connections to the text of The Catcher in the Rye. We will end class with a brief vocabulary review.
HW: Study vocabulary - test 9/23.
Handout: Guided notes for psychoanalytic psychology/psychoanalytic literary theory. (To be distributed in class.)
Wednesday: 9/22 - Class Meeting Schedule - Happy Birthday Giselle!
IC: Reading quiz over chapters 18-24 of The Catcher in the Rye. Discussion of reading selection. Pass back vocabulary tests and discuss requirements for earning points back on missed test questions. Vocabulary review.
HW: Study vocabulary - test tomorrow.
Class Meeting Schedule - All juniors are to report to the main gym during the class meeting.
Zero Hour 6:40 - 7:30
1st 7:35 - 8:25
2nd 8:30 - 9:20
3rd 9:25 - 10:20
CLASS MEETING - 10:25 - 10:40
*Seniors - Auditorium
*Juniors - Main Gym
*Sophomores - Auxiliary Gym
*Freshmen - Cafeteria
4th 10:45 - 11:30
5th (a) 11:35 - 12:25 (First Lunch)
5th (b) 12:30 - 1:20 (Second Lunch)
6th 1:25 - 2:10
7th 2:15 - 3:00
Thursday: 9/23
IC: You will begin class with the 1.3 Vocabulary Test. We will continue our introduction and discussion of psychoanalytic literary criticism. You will work on application of this theory to the text of The Catcher in the Rye.
HW: Your homework involves completing Writer's Notebook Entry #4. Be sure to free-write for at least fifteen minutes, and keep the completed entry in your notebook with the first three entries. Remember that you will be responsible for turning in all twelve completed Writer's Notebook Entries at semester.
- Be sure to make use of the Guidelines for Earning Points Back on Vocabulary to complete vocabulary make up sentences before the test today.
- Ordinary People permission slip - Print and have a parent or guardian sign. Bring this to class with you by Monday.
Friday: 9/24 - Happy Birthday Jessica!
IC: Reading quiz over chapters 25-26 of The Catcher in the Rye. Brief review and discussion of the central tenets of psychoanalysis. Introduction to 1.4 Vocabulary will be postponed until Monday. Turn in your books.
HW: Study vocabulary - test 9/30.