Wednesday: 9/8
IC: You will begin by taking a reading quiz over chapters 1-3 of The Catcher in the Rye. We will discuss the use of characterization to introduce the complex character of Holden Caulfield. The class period will end with a brief vocabulary review in preparation for the test tomorrow.
HW: Study vocabulary - test tomorrow 9/9!
Thursday: 9/9
IC: You will begin class by taking the 1.1 vocabulary test over unit one Greek and Latin roots and prefixes. We will continue our discussion of the first three chapters of The Catcher in the Rye, and then we'll end the class period with a Writer's Notebook Activity.
Friday: 9/10
IC: You will begin with a reading quiz over chapters 4-7 of The Catcher in the Rye. We will discuss the reading selection with respect to the following elements of literary study: characterization, symbolism, theme, and types of characters. I will distribute 1.2 Vocabulary and we will go over the words in class.
HW: Study vocabulary - test 9/16.
Handout: Vocabulary 1.2 List (To be distributed in class.)