Monday: 9/27 - Movie Night on the Patio 7pm $3
IC: Change of plans: you'll have a substitute teacher in and work on a vocabulary activity.
Tuesday: 9/28 - Homecoming T-Shirt Day; Dodgeball Tournament in the Gym 7pm
IC: Turn in PERMISSION SLIPS. Review and completion of guided notes for psychoanalysis. Hand in guided notes. Introduction to 1.4 Vocabulary.
HW: Study vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.
Handout: 1.4 Vocabulary List. (To be distributed in class.)
Wednesday: 9/29 - BBQ Lunch on the Patio; Homecoming Dress Up Day (Must Still Be In Dress Code!) - Happy Birthday, Ian!
IC: Begin viewing film: Ordinary People. We will discuss the elements of psychoanalytic literary criticism as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character within the film.
HW: No homework day.
Thursday: 9/30 - Early Dismissal at 1:35 for Powderpuff Football Game; Wear Class Colors - Happy Birthday, Avery!
IC: Continue viewing film: Ordinary People. We will discuss the elements of psychoanalytic literary criticism as they provide insight into the characterization and actions of each character within the film.
HW: Study vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.
Friday: 10/1 - Assembly Schedule; Wear Maroon and White; Homecoming Parade Begins at 5:30 at Broadmoor Elementary; Tailgate at 6pm in the Parking Lot; Homecoming Football Game at 7pm in the Stadium - GO INDIANS!
IC: Continue viewing and discussing film: Ordinary People. Vocabulary Review.
- Study vocabulary - test Monday 10/4.
- Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #5.
- Make good decisions, be good to your bodies, and have fun!
Saturday: 10/2 - Homecoming Dance in the Auxiliary Gym 8:30pm - 11:30pm