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16 May 2011




O Hour 6:45 – 7:35

1st Period 7:40 – 8:10

2nd Period 8:15 – 8:45

3rd Period 8:50 – 9:20

4th Period 9:25 – 9:55

5th Period-A 10:00 – 10:30

(1st lunch – Those students who would normally have lunch 5A, will clean outlockers now)

5th Period-B 10:35-11:05

(2nd lunch – Those students who would normally have lunch 5B, will clean out lockers now)

6th Period 11:10 – 11:40

7th Period 11:45 – 12:15

Farewell to Seniors BBQ &Yearbook Distribution

12:15 – 2:00

08 May 2011

Weekly Schedule 5/9 - 5/13

Monday: 5/9
You will complete a brief reading quiz over the third reading selection from Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried. We'll discuss the reading selection, focusing on "The Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong." Then you'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Fifteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. Finally, I'll distribute your second memoir writing minilesson - on punctuating dialogue. We'll go over the rules together and you'll complete an exercise to demonstrate your understanding.

Tuesday: 5/10
Today we'll read and discuss a superbly written slice of memoir by Maya Angelou. We'll read as writers, making note of the master carpentry in the piece.

Wednesday: 5/11
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Sixteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll revisit your words together. Then we'll discuss dialogue as a means of characterization, and we'll discuss some things you should consider in relation to the inclusion of dialogue in your memoir. Finally, you'll work in class to compose a slice of dialogue that may find its way in to your final writing piece.

Thursday: 5/12
You'll complete a brief reading quiz, and we'll take some time to discuss the evolution of O'Brien's concepts of truth and storytelling. Then you'll have some time in class to begin reading another example of artfully crafted memoir by David Sedaris. This piece is very different from Angelou's writing. You will be required to finish reading Sedaris's piece for class discussion tomorrow.

Friday: 5/13
You will begin by completing the Lesson 15 - 16 vocabulary test. Then we'll discuss Sedaris's writing, reading as writers and making note of effective technique and style. Ideally, we'll have time to engage in a time-line activity as a way of fishing for potential writing topics.

06 May 2011

AP Literature Summer Assignments

***Attention all students enrolling in Senior Year AP Literature and Composition: Follow these links to documents concerning your summer reading assignment and expectations.

Instructions for Annotating a Text

Annotation Rubric
The Illiad Summer Reading Assignment
AP Rubric Descriptors

01 May 2011

Weekly Schedule 5/2 - 5/6

Monday: 5/2 - Happy birthday, Jake!
We will discuss the first three chapters of Tim O'Brien's The Things They Carried. I will distribute a discussion guide on which you will be responsible for recording key concepts and elements of the reading selection. We'll focus on four big ideas in relation to the reading: 1. What purpose do stories serve? 2. How does O'Brien introduce and develop key characters? (i.e. What does each character carry, and how is that information revealing?) 3. What are the characteristics of O'Brien's writing? 4. What is the difference between memoir and autobiography? If we have any additional time, we'll begin looking at a PowerPoint presentation that provides historical background on the Vietnam War era.

Tuesday: 5/3
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Fourteen Vocabulary Review. We'll review your current vocabulary roots together. Then we'll talk more about the history of the Vietnam War.

Wednesday: 5/4
You will complete the Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen Vocabulary Test. Then you'll engage in a minilesson about O'Brien's use of leads in The Things They Carried. Remember: You'll be using O'Brien's work as mentor text for your final writing piece this year, so don't forget to pay close attention to effective elements of his style so that you can play with his techniques in your own writing.

Thursday: 5/5
You will complete a brief reading quiz, and then we'll discuss the second reading selection of The Things They Carried. I will introduce your final vocabulary lists for the year. We'll go over Lessons Fifteen and Sixteen Vocabulary (test on Friday, 5/13). Then we'll begin viewing some iconic new footage of the Vietnam War.

Friday: 5/6 - Happy birthday, Kinsey!
I will show some iconic news footage of the Vietnam War. We'll discuss the footage.

28 April 2011

Final Reading Schedule

The Things They Carried by Tim O'Brien

Your final read this year is different from the other books we've read together. It is a work of fiction that follows the format of a memoir. We will read and discuss it, but also use O'Brien's writing as mentor text for the formation of your own unique stories. Be sure to read each selection by class on the dates listed below:

Pages 1-38 -- Monday, 5/2
  • "The Things They Carried"
  • "Love"
  • "Spin"
Pages 39-85 -- Thursday, 5/5
  • "On the Rainy River"
  • "Enemies"
  • "Friends"
  • "How to Tell a True War Story"
Pages 86-136 -- Monday, 5/9
  • "The Dentist"
  • "Sweetheart of the Song Tra Bong"
  • "Stockings"
  • "Church"
  • "The Man I Killed"
  • "Ambush"
  • "Style"
Pages 137-180 -- Thursday, 5/12
  • "Speaking of Courage"
  • "Notes"
  • "In the Field"
  • "Good Form"
Pages 181-218 -- Monday, 5/16
  • "Field Trip"
  • "The Ghost Soldiers"
Pages 219-246 -- Thursday, 5/19
  • "Night Life"
  • "The Lives of the Dead"

24 April 2011

Weekly Schedule 4/25 - 4/29

Monday: 4/25
IC: We will briefly revisit goals and expectations for concluding paragraphs in a literary analysis. Then we will continue viewing and discussing the film The Crucible.

Tuesday: 4/26
IC: You will present your conclusion paragraphs for Writer's Workshop. Finally, we will finish viewing and discussing The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your typed, completed Conclusion Paragraph for Writer's Workshop.

Wednesday: 4/27 - ACT Testing Schedule - Happy birthday, Nick and Will!
IC: You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Thirteen Vocabulary Review Exercise. You may show me your paper (before turning it in) during class for a quick, last-minute MLA format check, but you must bring a printed copy to class! :) We will quickly go over a checklist to make sure that all elements of your junior paper and completed and ready to turn in tomorrow.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book.

Thursday: 4/28 - TODAY IS THE DAY!
IC: You will begin class by turning in your completed junior paper!!! Don't forget that your job is not done until you also submit an electronic copy to before midnight tonight! We will celebrate your accomplishment with some food and drinks, so make sure to bring in your favorite snack to share. Also, I will distribute copies of The Things They Carried and introduce the concept of the story truth.

Friday: 4/29 - No school. Teacher Work Day!

17 April 2011

Weekly Schedule 4/18 - 4/22

Monday: 4/18
We will finish reading and discussing The Crucible. We will discuss the events of the play and the motivations of the characters.
Materials: Bring your complete, correctly labeled Writer's Notebook Entries to turn in (if you haven't already done so) and class notes.
  • Your typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.

Tuesday: 4/19 - Happy birthday, Brian!
We'll begin with Writer's Workshop on your second body paragraph. Then you'll work with a peer to complete a Lesson Twelve Vocabulary Review Exercise.
Materials: Bring your completed, typed second body paragraph for Writer's Workshop, class notes, and vocabulary book.
  • Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.

Wednesday: 4/20 - Happy birthday, Chris!
You will complete the Lessons Eleven and Twelve Vocabulary Test. Then we'll go over expectations for an MLA formatted Works Cited page. Be sure to come prepared to take good notes, because you will be required to have a perfectly formatted Works Cited page as part of your Junior Paper.
Materials: Bring any completed extra credit vocabulary work and class notes.
  • Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
Thursday: 4/21
We will go over an introduction to Lessons Thirteen and Fourteen vocabulary (test on Wednesday, 5/4). Then we'll begin viewing the film The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book and class notes.
  • Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
Friday: 4/22
You will workshop your third body paragraph, and then we'll continue viewing the film.
Materials: Bring your typed, completed third body paragraph and class notes.
  • Your typed conclusion paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/26 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed Junior Paper is due on Thursday, 4/28. **Remember that you must submit a paper copy in class, and an electronic copy to**

10 April 2011

Weekly Schedule 4/11 - 4/15

Monday: 4/11 - Happy birthday, Brent and Ben!
We will finish viewing The History Channel documentary on the Salem Witch Trials. We'll briefly discuss, going over your responses on the documentary response sheet. We'll make some connections to what we're seeing in The Crucible. Then you will have the remainder of the class period to participate in Writer's Workshop for your Junior Paper introductory paragraph.
Materials: Bring your completed, typed introductory paragraph for Writer's Workshop, as well as your response sheet for the documentary (distributed on Friday).
  • Your typed first body paragraph is due in class Wednesday, 4/13 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.

Tuesday: 4/12 - Happy birthday, Daniel!
We will complete an introduction to Lessons Eleven and Twelve Vocabulary (test Wednesday, 4/20). Then you'll complete Writer's Notebook Entry #12! All Writer's Notebook Entries are due by Monday, 4/18. Finally, we'll continue reading and discussing Arthur Miller's The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, Writer's Notebook, and class notes.
  • Your typed first body paragraph is due in class Wednesday, 4/13 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.
Wednesday: 4/13
You will participate in Writer's Workshop for a body paragraph from your Junior Paper. Then we'll continue reading and discussing The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your typed body paragraph for workshop and your class notes.

Thursday: 4/14 - Happy birthday, Declan!
You will complete a Lesson Eleven Vocabulary Review Exercise with a peer. We'll go over a vocabulary review together, and then continue reading The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book and class notes.
  • Your typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.

Friday: 4/15
We'll continue reading and discussing The Crucible. Hopefully we'll have time for a fun movie clip that spoofs the logic and motivations implied by the use of spectral evidence.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
  • Your typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your typed third body paragraph is due in class Friday, 4/22 for Writer's Workshop.

03 April 2011

Weekly Schedule 4/4 - 4/8

Monday: 4/4 - Happy birthday, Dakota and Sarah!
You will turn in your completed annotations. We will continue reading and discussing The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your completed annotations and class notes.
  • Your polished, typed thesis statement is due in class Wednesday for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed, typed introductory paragraph is due in class Friday for Writer's Workshop.

Tuesday: 4/5
You will complete a Lesson Ten Vocabulary Review Exercise. We will quickly review your words for Lessons Nine and Ten Vocabulary. You will also complete Writer's Notebook Entry #11. Finally, we will continue reading and discussing The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book and class notes.
  • Your polished, typed thesis statement is due in class Wednesday for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed, typed introductory paragraph is due in class Friday for Writer's Workshop.
Wednesday: 4/6
You will complete a Writer's Workshop for your junior paper thesis statement. We will spend the rest of the class period reading and discussing The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your polished, typed thesis statement and class notes.
  • Your completed, typed introductory paragraph is due in class MONDAY for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed, typed first body paragraph is due in class Wednesday, 4/13.
Thursday: 4/7
We will review the vocabulary roots from Lessons Nine and Ten. Then we'll continue reading and discussing Arthur Miller's The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your class notes. Your vocabulary book may be helpful, but is optional.
  • Your completed, typed introductory paragraph is due in class MONDAY for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed, typed first body paragraph is due in class Wednesday, 4/13.
Friday: 4/8
You will complete the Lessons Nine and Ten Vocabulary Test. Then we'll continue reading and discussing The Crucible.
Materials: Bring any completed vocabulary extra credit work.
  • Your completed, typed introductory paragraph is due in class MONDAY for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed, typed first body paragraph is due in class Wednesday for Writer's Workshop.
  • Your completed, typed second body paragraph is due in class Tuesday, 4/19 for Writer's Workshop.

27 March 2011

Weekly Schedule 3/28 - 4/1

Monday: 3/28
I will distribute the Junior Paper assignment and timeline. We'll go over both. Then, I'll demonstrate the use of EBSCO and JSTOR, two search engines to which CMHS subscribes, in order to find scholarly articles about your paper topic. You will be responsible for locating, printing, and annotating one appropriate article that relates to the topic of your paper. These annotations are due on Monday, 4/4.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
HW: Locate, print, and annotate an appropriately scholarly article that will be useful in composing your paper. Due Monday, 4/4. **Feel free to check with me during office hours to ask for help or to make sure that the article you've selected will suffice.

Tuesday: 3/29
I will introduce Lessons Nine and Ten Vocabulary - test on Friday, 4/8. Then you'll complete Writer's Notebook Entry #10.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, and Writer's Notebook Entries.
HW: Locate, print, and annotate an appropriately scholarly article that will be useful in composing your paper. Due Monday, 4/4. **Feel free to check with me during office hours to ask for help or to make sure that the article you've selected will suffice.

Wednesday: 3/30 - Happy birthday, Nikki!
You will take a few introductory notes in relation to our next read, The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
HW: Locate, print, and annotate an appropriately scholarly article that will be useful in composing your paper. Due Monday, 4/4. **Feel free to check with me during office hours to ask for help or to make sure that the article you've selected will suffice.

Thursday: 3/31
You will work together to complete a Lesson Nine Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll review the vocabulary together. Then we'll begin reading and discussing The Crucible in class.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book and class notes.
  • Locate, print, and annotate an appropriately scholarly article that will be useful in composing your paper. Due Monday, 4/4. **Feel free to check with me during office hours to ask for help or to make sure that the article you've selected will suffice.
  • Your junior paper thesis is due for Writer's Workshop on Wednesday, 4/6.

Friday: 4/1
We will continue reading and discussing Arthur Miller's The Crucible.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
  • Locate, print, and annotate an appropriately scholarly article that will be useful in composing your paper. Due Monday, 4/4. **Feel free to check with me during office hours to ask for help or to make sure that the article you've selected will suffice.
  • Your junior paper thesis is due for Writer's Workshop on Wednesday, 4/6.

15 March 2011

Special Assembly Schedule for Thursday, 3/17

6:40 - 7:30 Zero Hour
7:35 - 8:20 1st Period
8:25 - 9:10 2nd Period
9:15 - 10:00 3rd Period
10:05 - 10:40 Assembly
10:45 - 11:30 4th Period
11:35 - 12:25 5a/1st Lunch
12:30 - 1:20 5b/2nd Lunch
1:25 - 2:10 6th Period
2:15 - 3:00 7th Period

11 March 2011

Weekly Schedule 3/14 - 3/17

Monday: 3/14
You will turn in your completed annotations on T.J. Matheson's essay. We will begin by going over the Lessons 7 & 8 Vocabulary Test together. Then, I'll distribute copies of the chapter "Yes, She's a Christ Figure, Too" from Thomas C. Foster's book How to Read Literature Like a Professor. You'll read and discuss the short chapter in preparation for our continued discussion of Slaughterhouse-Five and our viewing and discussion of the film Cool Hand Luke.
Materials: Bring your completed annotations over T.J. Matheson's essay, class notes, and a copy of Slaughterhouse-Five.
HW: Read and annotate "Film as Art and Psychology: Cool Hand Luke as Exemplar" by Frank Barron. You must complete your annotations before our discussion on Thursday, 3/17.

Tuesday: 3/15 - Happy birthday, Abe!
IC: We'll begin viewing the film Cool Hand Luke.
Materials: Bring your class notes and annotations-in-progress of "Film as Art and Psychology: Cool Hand Luke as Exemplar" by Frank Barron.
HW: Read and annotate "Film as Art and Psychology: Cool Hand Luke as Exemplar" by Frank Barron.

Wednesday: 3/16
IC: We'll continue viewing the film Cool Hand Luke.
Materials: Bring your class notes and annotations-in-progress of "Film as Art and Psychology: Cool Hand Luke as Exemplar" by Frank Barron.
HW: Finish reading and annotating "Film as Art and Psychology: Cool Hand Luke as Exemplar" by Frank Barron.

Thursday: 3/17 - Special Assembly Schedule for Spring Sports Kick-Off
IC: You will turn in your annotations of Frank Barron's "Film as Art and Psychology: Cool Hand Luke as Exemplar." We will finish viewing and discussing the film Cool Hand Luke. You'll examine the elements of the film that support an interpretation of Luke as an archetypal Christ Figure.
Materials: Bring your class notes and completed annotations of Frank Barron's article.

Friday: 3/18 - No school: teacher work day! Have a safe and fun Spring Break.

07 March 2011

Weekly Schedule: 3/7

Monday: 3/7

"A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved." - Kurt Vonnegut

You'll begin class by completing Writer's Notebook Entry #9. Then we'll read and discuss "Kindness" by Naomi Shihab Nye. You'll make thematic connections to Slaughterhouse-Five as you analyze the poem.

Click here for information about Naomi Shihab Nye.

27 February 2011

Weekly Schedule 2/28 - 3/4

Monday: 2/28
IC: You will begin class by completing the Lessons Seven and Eight Vocabulary test. Then you'll work with a peer to complete a comprehension activity for Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five. We'll focus on the satirical nature of the text to increase understanding of specific elements as they relate to the meaning of the text as a whole.
Materials: Bring your completed extra credit vocabulary work, class notes, and copy of Slaughterhouse-Five.

Tuesday: 3/1 - Happy birthday, Zach!
IC: We'll begin class with a reading quiz over chapters six through eight of Slaughterhouse-Five. We'll discuss the reading selection and continue the comprehension activity from yesterday. We will end class with a parts of speech review and assessment.
Materials: Bring your class notes and copy of Slaughterhouse-Five.

Wednesday: 3/2
IC: I will distribute a critical essay about Kurt Vonnegut's writings. You will have the class period to work on reading and annotating the article. Your annotations will be assessed using the Assessment Rubric for Annotations.
Materials: Bring your class notes and copy of Slaughterhouse-Five.

Thursday: 3/3
IC: You'll begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapters nine and ten of Slaughterhouse-Five. Then you'll have additional time to complete your annotations, which are due tomorrow.
Materials: Bring your class notes, copy of Slaughterhouse-Five, and annotations.
HW: Complete annotations for class tomorrow.

Friday: 3/4
IC: We will begin by going over your parts of speech pre-tests. Then we'll discuss the end of Slaughterhouse-Five, and then you will continue working on your annotations.
Materials: Bring your class notes, annotations, and copy of Slaughterhouse-Five.

21 February 2011

Weekly Schedule 2/22 - 2/25

Tuesday: 2/22 - Happy birthday, Shane!
You will turn in your completed satirical genre poem with the workshop sheet and draft stapled neatly underneath. Then you'll complete a reading quiz over chapters two through four of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five. We'll discuss the reading selection, addressing characterization and the development of key concepts. We'll focus on the passage that describes the war movie Billy watches backwards as a starting place for your Writer's Notebook Entry #8. Then you'll work together to complete a Lesson Seven Vocabulary Review Exercise, and we'll go over an introduction to Lesson Eight Vocabulary (test on Monday, 2/28).
Materials: Bring your completed satirical genre poem, copy of Slaughterhouse-Five, class notes, and vocabulary book to class.
HW: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #8.

Wednesday: 2/23 - Change of plans: you'll have a substitute teacher in today.
You will receive a copy of Kurt Vonnegut's "Fates Worse Than Death." You will have the class period to read and annotate the speech. Your annotations are due in class tomorrow.
Materials: Bring your class notes.
HW: Complete annotations of Kurt Vonnegut's speech for class tomorrow.

Thursday: 2/24
We will review the elements of the rhetorical situation, using a PIGSAC chart as a guide. We'll read and discuss Vonnegut's speech, identifying elements of the rhetorical situation. Then we'll review the concept of rhetorical strategies, and you'll work together to identify Vonnegut's use of rhetorical strategies in the speech.
Materials: Bring your class notes and completed annotations of "Fates Worse Than Death."

Friday: 2/25
You'll begin by completing a brief reading quiz over chapter five of Slaughterhouse-Five. We'll discuss the reading selection. You'll work together to complete a Lesson Eight Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll return our discussion to the concept of rhetorical analysis, this time focusing on the author's use of rhetorical strategies in order to achieve a specific purpose. We'll generate a list of the techniques that Vonnegut employs in his speech, and you'll make connections to his purpose. We'll discuss the structure of a written rhetorical analysis (much like a literary analysis), and we'll work together as a class to begin composing a rhetorical analysis of Vonnegut's speech.
Materials: Bring your class notes, copy of Slaughterhouse-Five, vocabulary book, copy of "Fates Worse Than Death," and class notes.

14 February 2011

Slaughterhouse-Five Reading Schedule

Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a brief reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.

Thursday, 2/17 - Ch. 1
Tuesday, 2/22 - Ch. 2-4
Thursday, 2/24 - Ch. 5
Tuesday, 3/1 - Ch. 6-8
Thursday, 3/3 - Ch. 9-10

13 February 2011

Weekly Schedule 2/14 - 2/18

Monday: 2/14
IC: You will turn in your "Encounters with the River and Shore" papers with rough drafts, workshop sheets, and sentence audits neatly stapled underneath. You will also turn in your copies of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. I will distribute your graded annotations and you will have a few minutes to confer with your groups from Friday to refresh your reporter's memory about what to share with the class. Then the reporter from each group will present to the class. We will discuss your responses and the end of the text. **Students who were not here to participate on Friday will have a note sheet to fill out based on the presentations in order to earn participation points for this activity.
Materials: Bring your completed paper, class notes, and copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Tuesday: 2/15
You will begin class by completing a Lesson Six Vocabulary Review Exercise in preparation for your vocabulary test tomorrow. I will check out copies of Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut, and we'll go over the reading schedule. You will take some notes on the historical context of the novel, the key concepts presented in the text, literary techniques you'll encounter as you read, and some background information on the author. **We will venture to the Integration Lab for class registration for a ten to fifteen minute period during class, so be sure to bring your registration sheet to class today! Huzzah, you're almost SENIORS!
Materials: Bring your class notes, vocabulary book and registration sheet for next year's classes.
Homework: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #7.

Wednesday: 2/16
You will complete the Lesson Five and Six Vocabulary test and turn in any extra credit vocabulary work you have completed. Then we'll take a look at two satirical poems, Ad and Recipe. We'll read and discuss the poems, focusing on rhetorical elements. Then you'll begin composition on a satirical ad or recipe poem of your own.
Homework: Your completed, typed satirical poem is due for Writer's Workshop on Friday, 2/18.
Materials: Bring your class notes and vocabulary work.

Thursday: 2/17
You will begin class with a reading quiz over chapter one of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-Five. We'll discuss the beginning of the text, including important concepts and characterization. **Be sure to make a distinction between the narrator and main character as you prepare for the first reading quiz. We'll end class with an introduction to Lesson Seven Vocabulary (test on Friday, 2/25).
Homework: Your completed, typed satirical poem is due for Writer's Workshop on Friday, 2/18.
Materials: Bring your copy of Slaughterhouse-Five, class notes, and vocabulary book.

Friday: 2/18
You will complete a Writer's Workshop on your satirical poem. After you've completed the Writer's Workshop, we'll take a look at a poem that explores the purposes of science-fiction. We'll read and discuss, making connections to the text of Slaughterhouse-Five.
Homework: Your polished satirical poem (with draft and Writer's Workshop sheet stapled neatly underneath) is due on Monday, 2/28.
Materials: Bring your completed, typed satirical poem to workshop, class notes, and copy of Slaughterhouse-Five.

06 February 2011

Weekly Schedule 2/7 - 2/11

Monday: 2/7
You will begin class by completing a Lesson Five Vocabulary review exercise. Then you will engage in a Writer's Workshop with your peer group in order to give and receive feedback on the introductory paragraphs and thesis statements you've written for the paper that is due Friday. After you complete the Writer's Workshop for the introductory paragraph, you will engage in a self-assessment of the sentence fluency in your introductory paragraph.
  • You must bring a completed, TYPED body paragraph to class to workshop with peers on Wednesday, 2/9.
  • Your completed paper is due on Friday, 2/11. **You are expected to submit the polished copy with all drafts and workshop sheets stapled neatly underneath, as well as to submit an electronic copy to before midnight on Friday, 2/11.
Handouts: I will distribute a Writer's Workshop sheet for introductory paragraphs, and a Sentence Audit sheet that will serve as an instrument for self-assessment of sentence fluency in your writing.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book, class notes, and completed, TYPED introductory paragraph to workshop with your peers.

Tuesday: 2/8 - SNOW DAY!

Wednesday: 2/9 - Happy birthday, Madisyn!
IC: We will revisit the concept of annotation, and go over your Assessment Rubric for Annotations. I will distribute copies of an essay by Charles H. Nilon that deals with the controversial ending of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn called "Freeing the Free Negro." We will discuss the end of the text and your reactions to it, then you'll have time to read and annotate the essay to prepare for class discussion on Friday, 2/11.
  • You must bring a completed, TYPED body paragraph to class to workshop with peers on Thursday, 2/10.
  • Read and annotate "Freeing the Free Negro" for class on Friday, 2/11.
  • Your completed paper is due on Monday, 2/14. **You are expected to submit the polished copy with all drafts and workshop sheets stapled neatly underneath, as well as to submit an electronic copy to before midnight on Monday, 2/14.
Handout: I will distribute a copy of "Freeing the Free Negro."
Materials: Bring your class notes and copy of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Thursday: 2/10 - Happy birthday, Edward!
IC: You will begin class with a Writer's Workshop with your peer group in order to give and receive feedback on the body paragraph(s) you've written for the paper that's due Monday. After you complete the Writer's Workshop for the body paragraph, you will complete the back side of the sentence fluency worksheet to assess your use of sentences. **Remember that you are expected to make use of Workshop feedback to edit, revise, and polish your paper before submitting it on Monday. Any additional time may be spent addressing writing issues in relation to your papers, or completing the annotation of "Freeing the Free Negro" for class tomorrow.
  • Read and annotate "Freeing the Free Negro" for class on Friday, 2/11.
  • Your completed paper is due on Monday, 2/14. **You are expected to submit the polished copy with all drafts and workshop sheets stapled neatly underneath, as well as to submit an electronic copy to before midnight on Monday, 2/14.
Handout: I will distribute the Writer's Workshop sheet for Body Paragraphs.
Materials: Bring your completed, TYPED body paragraph for Writer's Workshop, all writing in progress for your paper, your sentence fluency and Writer's Workshop sheets, class notes, and copy of "Freeing the Free Negro."

Friday: 2/11
IC: You will work in an assigned group to answer a series of key questions about the ideas presented in the essay "Freeing the Free Negro." You will then report your findings back to the larger group and we'll discuss as a class. You will receive a participation grade for your role in the structured group work. After we are finished with discussion, you will turn in your annotations. Finally, I will introduce Lesson Six Vocabulary. (Vocabulary test on Wednesday, 2/16.)
  • Your completed paper is due on Monday, 2/14. **You are expected to submit the polished copy with all drafts and workshop sheets stapled neatly underneath, as well as to submit an electronic copy to before midnight on Monday, 2/14.
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #6.
Materials: Bring your annotations of "Freeing the Free Negro," class notes, and vocabulary books to class.

30 January 2011

Weekly Schedule 1/31 - 2/4

Monday: 1/31
You will work with a peer to complete a Lesson Four Vocabulary Review Exercise. We'll complete a verbal vocabulary review of Lessons Three and Four. Then I'll distribute a paper assignment that involves poetic analysis and connections to the text of Huck Finn. We'll read and discuss together and you'll have time to begin a poetic analysis using the TP-CASTT technique.
HW: You must bring your completed TYPED, MLA formatted paper to class on Monday, 2/7 to workshop with your peers.
Materials: Bring your vocabulary book to class, copy of Huck Finn, and class notes.

Tuesday: 2/1 - Happy birthday, Nick!
Change of plans: SNOW DAY!

HW: You must bring your completed TYPED, MLA formatted paper to class on Monday, 2/7 to workshop with your peers. **Also, complete Writer's Notebook Entry #4.

Wednesday: 2/2 - Two SNOW DAYS in a row?! I guess that's a sign that we simply won't have time to get to everything in class this week. Consider your last two reading quizzes over Huck Finn cancelled, but make sure that you're prepared to discuss and write about the end of the text.
HW: You must bring your completed TYPED, MLA formatted paper to class on Monday, 2/7 to workshop with your peers.

Thursday: 2/3
You will begin class by completing the Lessons Three and Four Vocabulary Test. You will also turn in any completed extra credit vocabulary work. We will revisit the concept of pronoun antecedent agreement, and you'll complete and discuss a grammar worksheet to demonstrate your understanding. Finally, we'll discuss the end of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and return to the two author's notes at the beginning of the text. We'll discuss the relationship of the author's notices to the satirical nature of the work.
HW: You must bring your completed TYPED, MLA formatted paper to class on Monday, 2/7 to workshop with your peers.
Materials: Bring your copy of Huck Finn, class notes, and vocabulary book.

Friday: 2/4
I will introduce Lesson Five Vocabulary. We'll review the expectations for engaging introductions and strong arguable theses to prepare for Writer's Workshop on Monday. We'll look at and discuss some examples of beautiful thesis statements. You'll have time to complete Writer's Notebook Entry #5 in class. We'll end the week with discussion of the concepts of fate and free will, and a Friday poem.
HW: You must bring your completed, typed introductory paragraph to class on Monday, 2/7 to workshop with peers.
Materials: Bring your class notes, vocabulary book, and Writer's Notebook Entries.

21 January 2011

Weekly Schedule 1/24 - 1/28

Monday: 1/24
We will complete and discuss a review activity for Lesson Three Vocabulary. Next, we'll review John Dryden's definition of satire as "corrective raillery" and take a look at a few examples, including visual representations. You'll be responsible for identifying the behavior that each example wishes to correct.
HW: Your humorous but class appropriate column that makes a social criticism is due Wednesday, 1/26.
Handout: I will distribute a Lesson Three Vocabulary Review Activity.

Tuesday: 1/25
We'll begin class with a reading quiz over chapters 23-29 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We'll discuss the reading selection, noting the continued character development, and the recurring themes of morality/immorality as they contribute to the satire within the text. We'll take a second look at the examples of satire that you analyzed for homework last night. With time, we'll also complete a brief vocabulary review.
HW: Your humorous but class appropriate column that makes a social criticism is due Wednesday, 1/26.

Wednesday: 1/26
We will go over an introduction to Lesson Four Vocabulary. (You'll also turn in your extra credit Lesson Three Vocabulary Exercises.) Then, you'll share and workshop your humorous columns.
HW: Use peer feedback to revise and edit your column. Your polished, TYPED, column is due Friday, 1/28. **You must also turn in the copy that you circulated during workshop, and the workshop notes.

Thursday: 1/27
We'll begin with a reading quiz over chapters 30-33 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We'll discuss the reading selection, focusing on the continued development of the satirical dilemma in which Huck finds himself concerning his friend, Jim. You'll begin reading a collection of articles about a satirical cover of The New Yorker by artist Barry Blitt.
HW: Use peer feedback to revise and edit your column. Your polished, TYPED, column is due Friday, 1/28. **You must also turn in the copy that you circulated during workshop, and the workshop notes.
Handout: I will distribute a collection of articles about Barry Blitt's cover of The New Yorker.

Friday: 1/28
You will hand in your polished column with the original column and workshop notes stapled underneath. We will briefly discuss each of the articles you received yesterday about the controversial magazine cover by Barry Blitt. Finally, you will complete a poetic analysis over a protest poem by Siegfried Sassoon.

17 January 2011

Special Assembly Schedule for the Loud & Proud celebration on Fox Network on 1/19

6:40 - 7:30 -- Zero Hour
7:35 - 8:20 -- 1st Period
8:25 - 9:10 -- 2nd Period
9:15 - 10:00 -- 3rd Period
10:05 - 10:25 -- Assembly
10:30 - 11:20 -- 4th Period
11:25 - 12:15 -- 5a/1st Lunch
12:20 - 1:10 -- 5b/2nd Lunch
1:15 - 2:05 -- 6th Period
2:10 - 3:00 -- 7th Period

Weekly Schedule 1/17 - 1/21

Monday: 1/17 - No school in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Tuesday: 1/18
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over chapters 15-19 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We will catch up with our discussion of the reading from chapters 11-19. We'll focus on character development as it contributes to the developing satire within the text. We'll also look at the theme of morality within the text as presented by the characters that Huck and Jim meet on their journey. Finally, you will complete a vocabulary review activity, and we'll complete two review analogies as a class.
HW: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #3.

Wednesday: 1/19 - Special Assembly Schedule for the Loud & Proud celebration on Fox Network - Wear MAROON & WHITE!
IC: You will take the Lessons 1-2 vocabulary test. You will then read a selection of script from Norman Lear's All in the Family. You will be presented with two questions about the satire presented in the reading selection. It will be your task to address one of the two questions in a thoughtful, well-organized 1-2 page (handwritten) essay. We'll review techniques for organizing an essay response, and then you'll have class time to work on your writing.
Handout: Script and questions from Norman Lear's All in the Family.

Thursday: 1/20
IC: You will complete a reading quiz over chapters 20-22 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We will discuss the reading selection, focusing on the characters of the king and the duke, and continuing our discussion of the moral questions posed by the text. We will revisit your writing from yesterday, addressing organization and clarity. Finally, I will introduce Lesson Three vocabulary.
HW: Complete your essay response to the script from Norman Lear's All in the Family.

Friday: 1/21
IC: You will hand in your essay responses to the All in the Family script. We will continue our discussion of comedic rhetorical devices by reading and analyzing an article by humor columnist Dave Barry. Then, we will work together to brainstorm a class list of possible topics for your own writing. You will write a humorous piece of social criticism, imitating the style of Dave Barry.
HW: Complete a draft of your own column, using humor to make a meaningful social criticism.

10 January 2011

Delayed Start Schedule for 1/10 - 1/11

Delayed Start Schedule

9:00 - 9:35 -- Zero Hour
9:40 - 10:15 -- 1st Period
10:20 - 10:55 -- 2nd Period
11:00 - 11:40 -- 3rd Period
11:45 - 12:20 -- 4th Period
12:25 - 1:00 -- 5a/1st Lunch
1:05 - 1:40 -- 5b/2nd Lunch
1:45 - 2:20 -- 6th Period
2:25 - 3:00 -- 7th Period

09 January 2011

Weekly Schedule 1/10 - 1/14

Sunday: 1/9 - Happy birthday, Tyler!

Monday: 1/10 - Happy birthday, Shelby! - Delayed Start Schedule
IC: We'll begin class by going over a brief history of American Literature. You will receive an interactive notes sheet to fill out during our discussion. We'll end class with a review of Lesson One Vocabulary.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D, due 1/12.
Handout: A Brief History of American Literature interactive note sheet will be distributed in class.

Tuesday: 1/11 - Delayed Start Schedule
IC: You will begin class by completing a reading quiz over chapters 1-10 of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. We will discuss the reading selection, focusing on elements of characterization. We will also discuss the Notice and Explanatory Note at the beginning of the text.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D, due 1/12.

Wednesday: 1/12
IC: You will hand in your vocabulary homework and complete a Lesson One Vocabulary review exercise. We will spend the rest of the class period reading and analyzing a letter written by Mark Twain to a Gas and Electric Lighting Company in Hartford. We will discuss the rhetorical situation and tone of the piece.
HW: Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #2.
Handout: "To a Gas and Electric Lighting Company in Hartford" by Mark Twain, and a Lesson One Vocabulary review exercise will be distributed in class today.

Thursday: 1/13 - Happy birthday, Cori!
IC: You will begin by completing a reading quiz over chapters 11-14. I will distribute a handout about satire which we'll read and discuss. We'll finish class by going over an introduction to Lesson Two Vocabulary.
HW: Study for Lesson 1-2 Vocabulary test on 1/19.
Handout: John Dryden on Satire handout (with important definitions) to be distributed in class.

Friday: 1/14
IC: We will view an episode of All in the Family, discussing elements of satire. You will make connections between the character of Archie Bunker and Pap Finn.
HW: Study for Lesson 1-2 Vocabulary test on 1/19.

06 January 2011

Writer's Notebook Entries - Second Semester

Entry #1: 1/6
Many societies and cultures have formalized ceremonies or rites of passage to mark the initiation of a child or teenager into adult society. What does it mean in our culture to become a man or woman? Are there ceremonies or rituals involved? What practices within your own family mark the transition into adulthood - are there family traditions? Also, according to your own personal observations and ideas, what does it mean to be an adult? Are there specific differences for boys and girls when it comes to "growing up" and entering "the real world"? **Remember to reflect on these questions in writing for at least fifteen minutes.**

Entry #2: 1/12
Okay, we've been talking about the controversy surrounding The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for a full week. We've also spent time discussing the purpose and nuances of satire. It's time: I want to know your opinion of the text. Do you find it offensive? Dangerous? Controversial? Explain your ideas - I want to know WHY you feel the way you feel about the text. How about other texts? Have you encountered other books that you feel should be censored? Are you against censorship all together? If not, when do you feel that censorship might be appropriate? (This is certainly topical in light of recent arguments in the news surrounding political rhetoric.) Again, I want to know how you feel, and WHY you feel the way you do. Feel free to consider other forms of expression that have been deemed controversial: television, films, holy texts, music, etc.

Entry #3: 1/18
Recall a time when you were either ill or injured. Write an entry in which you describe your injury or illness using as much sensory detail as you can possibly pack into fifteen minutes of writing. I challenge you to overload me (your reader) with sensory detail.

Entry #4: 2/1
Our school is scheduled to begin daily recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance today. What are your thoughts and opinions about the pledge? What do the words of the pledge mean? What does the American flag represent? What does it represent to you personally? Have you or anyone in your family made sacrifices for others in our country? Explore you own personal and unique relationship with America. How do YOU feel about "the republic for which it [the flag] stands"?

Entry #5: 2/4
This entry is to capture where you are in your life. It might be a good idea to begin with a comment on your general situation as you sense it. Begin with a broad comment; then let your mind sweep through your recent life. Record specifics, bits of dialogue, frustrations, pleasures, questions, dreams - everything that comes to you. Be specific.

Entry #6: 2/11 - Borrowed from Writing Down the Bones by Natalie Goldberg
Okay. Choose a specific process to write about. It can something you've done only once, or something that you do every day. Let's say the experience of carving a spoon out of cedar. Tell me all the details, but try to do so without becoming myopic. As you become single-minded in your writing, at the same time something in you should remain aware of the color of the sky or the sound of a distant mower. Just throw in even one line about the street outside your window at the time you were carving that spoon. It is good practice. When we concentrate in our writing, it is good. But we should always concentrate, not by blocking out the world, but by allowing it all to exist. This is a very tricky balance.

Entry #7: 2/15
Begin by crafting a list of formative experiences in your life. List things, situations, people, lessons, etc. that have changed you forever and made you into who you are today. Your list might be long, or it might be short - just make sure that you've put thought into compiling it. Then, select one or two of the entries on your list to write about in as much detail as possible for fifteen minutes. If you stall out on writing about one experience, switch to another and keep going.

Entry #8: 2/22
At the beginning of Chapter Four, Billy Pilgrim watches a war movie backwards while waiting to be abducted by the Tralfamadorians. How does the message of the war movie change when viewed backwards? Select an event (big or small, personal or global) that you would like to see undone by rewinding time. Write it. Like Vonnegut, do your best to take the story all the way to the end/beginning, in order to give the same images very different meanings.

Entry #9: 3/7
Kurt Vonnegut wrote: "Maturity is a bitter disappointment for which no remedy exists, unless laughter can be said to remedy anything." Write a response to Vonnegut's thought in which you explore your own experiences. Have you experienced disappointment as part of attaining your current level of maturity? How has loss been a part of your own growth?

Entry #10: 3/29
A crucible is a severe test or trial. Before we begin reading Arthur Miller's play, The Crucible, about one man's most difficult personal trial, I would like you to reflect on your own struggles. Specifically, I want you to identify the hardest thing you've ever done or been through. Then, I want you to write about it for fifteen minutes, without pause. Here are a few guiding questions to stimulate thought and keep your writing flowing, but feel free to allow your writing on this subject to take whatever direction it may: Describe the experience. Why was this the most difficult thing for you? What got you through your crucible? Is this still difficult for you? Did you gain anything from this experience? If you could go back in time and erase this experience, would you? Why or why not?

Entry #11: 4/5
In Act One of The Crucible, Arthur Miller writes of "the necessity of the Devil." Miller argues that the nature of our view of cosmology necessitates a concept of evil in order to conceive of good. However, Miller goes on to note that the Devil may be used by different ideologies and institutions to achieve control over others through fear. Obviously, this is true of Reverend Parris's approach to leadership of the church in Salem. Miller extends the analogy to make the argument that political leaders in the 1950s also appropriated the Devil in order to instill fear of Communism in Americans. As history shows, time and again, people tend to turn on each other when they are afraid. In this way, Miller shows the practice of accusing an enemy of evil to be useful in achieving one's aim of turning others against the enemy, but dangerous in that it can lead to fragmentation or dissolution of the group one is trying to protect.

For your Writer's Notebook Entry today, I want you to extend Miller's analogy to modern times. While non-Puritans (or people who weren't good enough Puritans) were the victims of the Salem Witch Trials, Senator McCarthy's attack on suspected Communism in America during the 1950s targeted people believed to be evil due to their political leanings. What group of people, lifestyle, or set of beliefs do you see as the modern equivalent? Who are current societal/political/religious leaders targeting for being "evil"? Does the analogy hold true - are those currently seen to be aligned with the Devil simply people with whom the majority does not agree, or are they actually evil?

Entry #12: 4/12

Twain uses Huck's narrative voice to richly develop the young man's character. This is an especially effective device when used to suggest changes in Huck . Although nothing like The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, I've recently read a few other books that also make interesting use of narrative voice. Markus Zusak's The Book Thief is narrated by Death, while The Art of Racing in the Rain (Garth Stein) is narrated by a dog named Enzo. These are two very different books, but they both use the narrator's own strengths and weaknesses to develop beautiful stories. For instance, there are things that Death just doesn't understand about the apparent human motivation to destroy each other. That's a revealing tidbit - not just about Death, but about the nature of human existence. Think about Huck. What does his point of view reveal to the reader?

Okay, here's your writing task. Get ready to flex those creative muscles. I want you to experiment with writing in a narrative voice that you've never tried on before. So... you might choose an African Elephant, you might choose a specific animal whom you know well (maybe I should try my cranky cockatiel), you might choose a famous historical figure, a neighbor, a tree, a rock... you get the idea.

04 January 2011

Weekly Schedule 1/5 - 1/7 - Welcome to 2nd Semester!

Wednesday: 1/5

IC: We will begin class with new seating chart assignments. Then, I will distribute two books to each of you: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and Vocabulary From Classical Roots, your vocabulary text for second semester. As I distribute the texts, you will be responsible for writing a response to the author's notice at the beginning of Huck Finn. Write a brief explanation of what you think the author might mean by this statement. What reasons can you think of for why Mark Twain would place this notice at the beginning of his book? Save this response in your notes for future reference - we'll be coming back to it for discussion. After I have distributed copies of each book, we'll take a look at the reading schedule for Huck Finn. Finally, we'll go over Lesson One in your vocabulary text.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.
Handouts: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, and Vocabulary From Classical Roots

Thursday: 1/6
IC: We will begin viewing and discussing the documentary, Culture Shock: Born to Trouble - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
  • Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.
  • Complete Writer's Notebook Entry #1.

Friday: 1/7
We will finish viewing and discussing the documentary, Culture Shock: Born to Trouble - The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
HW: Complete Lesson One Vocabulary Exercises A-D - due 1/12.

03 January 2011

Reading Schedule - Huck Finn

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
by Mark Twain

Reading Schedule: Be sure to read the following selections by the dates listed below. Remember to expect a brief reading quiz over each selection on the date listed. **Since this is an ongoing assignment, you are responsible for keeping up with the reading schedule regardless of absences. This means that even if you are absent on a day before reading is due, you are still responsible for the reading quiz on the day you return. Be prepared so that you can learn as much as possible in class each day.

Tuesday 1/11 - Ch. 1-10
Thursday 1/13 - Ch. 11-14
Tuesday 1/18 - Ch. 15-19
Thursday 1/20 - Ch. 20-22
Tuesday 1/25 - Ch. 23-29
Thursday 1/27 - Ch. 30-33
Tuesday 2/1 - Ch. 34-41
Thursday 2/3 - Ch. 42-43